Pretzsch, Birgit. "Lara Croft in Ads" in: Anita Nowak, Sue Abel and Marjan de Bruin (eds.), Women, Advertising and Representation: Beyond Familiar Paradigms. Cresskill: Hampton, 2010. 71-90.
Pretzsch, Birgit. "Review: Kim Toffoletti Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls: Feminism, Popular Culture and the Posthuman Body". Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies October 2009. <>.
Pretzsch, Birgit. "The Body in Flux: Towards a Multi-Faceted Understanding of a Complex Phenomenon" in: Michael Kearney (ed.), The Proceedings for the 1st Annual Kogakuin University (Tokyo Urban Tech) University of Limerick International Conference of Science and Humanities: PostModernism: The Global Moment. Tokyo: Kogakuin UP, 2004. 125-132.
Carroll, Sandra, Birgit Pretzsch and Peter Wagner (eds.). Framing Women: Changing Frames of Representation from the Enlightenment to Postmodernism. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004.
Carroll, Sandra, Birgit Pretzsch and Peter Wagner. "Introduction" in: Peter Wagner, Sandra Carroll, Birgit Pretzsch (eds.), Framing Women: Changing Frames of Representation from the Enlightenment to Postmodernism. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004. 1-24.
Pretzsch, Birgit. "Questioning the Frames of Lara Croft: Body, Identity, Reality" in: Peter Wagner, Sandra Carroll, Birgit Pretzsch (eds.), Framing Women: Changing Frames of Representation from the Enlightenment to Postmodernism. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004. 295-325.
Pretzsch, Birgit. "Feminism and Male Sexuality" alumnus: The Academic Journal of the Graduate Students' Union Aontas na nIarchéimithe. University of Dublin, Trinity College, August 1999. 53-65.